News + Stories
The very latest from the Gaada universe!
Nick Hand Brings ‘Press On’ Letterpress Bike to Shetland
Gaada invites you to join us in welcoming Bristol-based printmaker Nick Hand and his letterpress-bicycle project, Press On, to the Shetland Library this October.
Brigði 2024—Shetland/Norway Artist Exchange
Reflecting on the 2024 instalment of Brigði, an ongoing partnership between artists in Shetland and Norway.
Brigði: collaboration day with Miriam Sentler
Shetland based artists are invited to a collaboration day in the Toogs Artist Workshop under the collective banner of Brigði: A bridge of Plankton Blooms & Basking Sharks.
Artist Talk: Deep Time Agency
Join us online for Gaada’s next artist talk by artists Miriam Sentler and Wouter Osterholt who will be telling us about their interdisciplinary research initiative Deep Time Agency.
Peer Group Simmer Workshare + Future
Sign up for the Simmer Gathering Peer Group + find out about how to shape the future!
Peer Group Voar Pot Luck
Join us in celebrating voar with the first ever Peer Group Pot Luck!
Gaada at Shetland's 2022 Christmas Craft Fair
Visit our stall at the Christmas Craft Fair in Lerwick this weekend, 4 - 6 November!
Gaada i Norge
Our first overseas travel blog documenting the first installment of Gaada’s partnership with Norwegian based workshop, Pamflett!
Safeland: Summer Programme
A summer programme of walks, talks + workshops as part of Gaada’s 2021/22 Visual Art Programme, Safeland.