Hamnavoe Primary School Mural Project

Gaada has been collaborating with 86 young artist who attend Hamnavoe Primary School on an exciting new project.

Gaada workers Vivian and Amy facilitated a series of playful outdoor drawing workshops with Primary 1 - 7 to explore the objects, people, animals and ideas you can find within and around the Hamnavoe School. From a mountain of beautiful drawings, we scaled up and layered the bairns’ images to create 3 large mural compositions.

The Hamnavoe Community Hall kindly offered us space to get busy painting the bairns drawings into an amazing celebration of their experience of Hamnavoe Primary.

These bright, bold new artworks come as part of a wider series of festivities marking the schools 40th year and will hang outdoors at the main entrance, welcoming everyone to the school. They are due to be unveiled to the public after the school holidays and we can’t wait to share images and videos of the making of this exciting project.


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Display By Esther McManus