Covid-19 Update

In light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the Gaada studio is now closed with all public + private workshops + activities suspended until further notice. Like the rest of the world, we will continue to keep a close eye on the developing news and government guidelines and will only re-open our doors when it is safe to do so.

Weemin’s Wark

Because of this, we have postponed the Weemin’s Wark programme, which was due to kick off earlier this month. We expect the shape of this project to change as well as the outcomes, however we remain committed to delivering as much of what we originally planned as is possible. We expect this next project update to be a good few months away.

Artist one-to-one’s

We are very lucky that we can still reach artists, through the wonders of technology, and have set up projects for a few artists who we regularly work with. These virtual artist one to ones, don’t compare to artists accessing the workshop, but we hope bring a little bit of routine, normality and focus to the everyday.


If you haven’t already, check out (and submit some work to) our new self-isolation project Quarantzine! A monthly online zine of art made during self-isolation, published online, every month, until "the end" of this current emergency. This monthly online zine will have a different theme every month. Every single entry will be published. Find more info on the project page.

The Future

We are in an unusual and fortunate position of still being able to access the Gaada studio, as it is located a very short walk away. We have decided to use some of this time to push on with workshop maintenance and improvements like conquering photopolymer plate-making for future intaglio and relief printing workshops and also making a screen for the new projector (see photos below!). It’s our hope that by doing this, Gaada will be ready to hit the ground running with new events and workshops for you to enjoy when this is all over.

It’s important to point out that it’s not all workworkwork – one of the positives to take from this new situation is finally giving ourselves permission to take some time off, look after our own mental health, garden, bake bread, phone friends + family and all that other stuff that so often slips to the bottom of the list. 

Stay safe and look after yourselves.


Gaada on The Afternoon Show


A Lightsome Donation