Communities Recovery Fund
We welcome the news confirming that Gaada has secured funding from the Scottish Government, via Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), to support Gaada during the COVID-19 crisis, from the Communities Recovery Fund.
HIE is co-ordinating the Communities Recovery Fund in the Highlands and Islands, on behalf of the Scottish Government, for all eligible community organisations, who are implementing changes to reintroduce the delivery of existing services and activities that have been suspended or severely reduced because of COVID-19.
The grant has enabled us to create a temporary position for a Workshop Assistant, who will be supporting the organisation 4 days a week to develop our post-coronavirus strategy over the next 3 months. Gaada is delighted to welcome Vivian Ross-Smith to the team in this new expanded role. You may recognise Vivian from social media posts at the end of last year – Vivian had been freelancing at Gaada 1 day per week, helping to deliver Artist one-to-one workshops and Peer Group. Vivian will now support Gaada in adapting to meet the ever changing demands laid upon the organisation by COVID-19, both digitally and within the workshop.
The funding will also help Gaada create a better working environment for our art-workers, who have a significantly increased digital workload. We are very excited to say “hello” to new upright desktop monitors, adjustable height desks, computer equipment, and comfy office chairs (we currently sit on hard plastic school stools!) and “goodbye” to bad backs and ancient dyslexia computers!
We are so very grateful to The Scottish Government, via Highland and Island Enterprises for supporting Gaada and greatly improving our health, wellbeing, and hopefully our posture through this grant! No more stooping over too-small screens, and taking on all the change by ourselves. Welcome Vivian!!!
Gaada art-workers: Amy Gear, Daniel Clark, with new recruit Vivian Ross-Smith (and Lenny the Dog).
It’s very hard to set a self-timer and run into the picture without gaffing…