Display by Brian Sinclair

Gaada is proud to present a new exhibition by artist Brian Sinclair titled Surface, Sound and Sign. Open in Display from February 11 - April 24 2022.

Brian Sinclair is an artist who works across sound, painting and drawing. Encapsulating the energy of Brian’s practice through his favourite colours, green and orange, this exhibition celebrates Brian’s personal modes of creative practice and non-verbal communication.

Brian uses a dictaphone to forage for sound whilst out in the landscape, often returning and responding to these recordings through a range of mark-making back in the studio. Brian explores a rich landscape of sounds through his interactions between different art materials and mediums: pastels scrape paper, paint brushes bend and sway, chalk pens make rhythmical beats and colourful explosions, whist inky fingers produce percussive taps.

“Brian has been attending Gaada one-to-one workshops since 2020, during this time he has developed a rich and energetic artistic practice, which spans many mediums. Brian’s love of sound and music has become a main informant to the marks he makes and the way he approaches his practice. We are very proud to support Brian and showcase his first solo exhibition.”
Vivian Ross-Smith, Programme Coordinator

Through this exhibition Gaada’s display inhabits and shares some of Brian’s energetic painting and sound work. Gaada welcomes visitors to view and listen to the current Display within the gravelled area outside the building, however we politely request that visitors do not enter the building without prior appointment.

This project was funded by the Shetland Charitable Trust and Creative Scotland


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